About Us
Get to know our pastor, our beliefs, and our vision.
Pastor Mark Cline
Our Pastor
Pastor Mark Cline has served the Lord Jesus for more than 35 years, first as a church planting missionary in Ontario, Canada, and then as a pastor in New Jersey. He and his wife, Dianna, moved to Kaukauna in 2008. Pastor Mark earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Bible with a minor in Greek. He also earned his Master’s Degree in Pastoral Studies. He and Dianna have four grown sons.
Our Beliefs
- The entire Bible is God’s message to man and is to be studied and obeyed with humility.
- Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God and was born of Mary, the virgin, being fully God and fully Man.
- After living a sinless life, Christ died for our sins, taking the judgment we deserve because of our sin against God.
- Jesus arose from the grave the third day.
- In order for an individual to have eternal life, he must trust in Jesus’ death and shed blood as the payment for his sin.
- Following a person’s faith in Christ, he is to be baptized by immersion in water as a testimony of his faith in Jesus Christ.
- Christ securely keeps those who are saved.
- All Christians are called to live lives of purity and being pleasing to God.
- The local church is a body of baptized believers whose mission is not to reform the world but to give testimony to Christ and to serve Him.
- At a point in the future, Christ will come to take the New Testament church to Heaven. Later, He will return to earth with the church to establish His millennial kingdom, in fulfillment of the promises God made to Israel.
- God created the universe out of nothing in six literal, 24-hour days.
Vision Statement
"To know Christ, to imitate Christ,
to magnify Christ."
This is our passion and the focus of our church.
“To know Christ” focuses on relationship.“To imitate Christ” focuses on life.“To magnify Christ” focuses on ministry.